mandag den 11. juli 2011

A little bit about me

Hey guys.

So i started up this blog yesterday, basically just to tell my friends and familly about my life, and how i was doing, pokerwise.

But since not all know me personally, i thought i would tell you a little bit about myself.

I go to business school, but on the side i play poker for a "living". I usually play pot-limit omaha, or PLO, i play mostly on my favourite site, 24hPoker, i play the stakes €.25/.50 (PLO50€), €0.5/1 (PLO100), €1/2 (PLO200), and finally €2/4 (PLO400), yet i do take the occasional shot at PLO600, but i just can't seem to break through. Those guys are waaaaay to though for me ;)

In the next few days i'll tell you about what my favourite site to play on is, why that is, and i'll probrably put up and interesting hand or 2 from my sessions.

I also play alot of Multi Table Tournaments, or MTTs. Actually, as late as yesterday, i finished 5th in a pretty big tournament, on 24hPoker - it paid 744€, so not life changing money, but it still made a break-even day, a winning day, which is always nice :)

I've been lucky to have some okay MTT scores in the past, but i do not consider myself a good MTT player, at all. I'm just sometimes good at getting lucky at the right times, but well, you need a little luck to win, right?

In the past, before grinding the PLO games, i was playing no-limit cash games, but oh'boy did i suck at no limit. I was probrably the biggest fish the sites have seen, i could'nt fold a hand, i was sure everyone was bluffing all the time. Then i luckily found PLO, and haven't been looking back since.

I was winning at the lowest stakes from the start, i don't know why, i just think i had a feel for the game. Altho' i could'nt break the higher stakes, i was playing a little money scared, i think... My bankroll management was'nt the best at that time ;)

Then i joined a poker training site, and watched alot of videos, actually a few every day, where i was informed of the importance of aggression, position, bankroll management, game selection, and analysing you, and your opponents game with tracking software, all of these are subjects, that i will try to explain and learn you guys about later on.

It was first when i started winning continuously at PLO100€ i decided to quit my half-time job, it does'nt seem that attractive to go to work at 6 in the morning and work for 8 hours when you've won 8 times the pay online the previous night. I was making alot more in a month than i ever could working half-time, so i decided to quit the job and focus a little more on poker.

After that i got alot more time to analyse and work on my game, which is never a bad thing to do :)

Since then i've kept on moving up stakes, slow and steady, 'cause we all know that slow and steady wins the race!

Thanks for listening to my story, in the next few days i'll tell you how my days have gone, poker wise and real life wise, and i will also probrably put up some information on some of the important strategic things in poker.

- Kristian.

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